Friday, May 25, 2007

Invitations to Queer Studies Reading Group

As I get more e-mails from people wanting to be on the QSRG, I, or others, will add them. This is a completely open forum, and anyone should be able to post. If you can't post, or have other similar issues, then e-mail me at and/or

Swimmingly, robt

Sunday, May 20, 2007

William Haver: Pornographic Life

Dear Queer Studies Reading Group (QSRG),

I have attached the first reading for the reading group. I hope that this will get more techo-savvy, and if anyone has any suggestions, then please, by all means, share.

I hope that you will find this reading interesting, and I hope that we can have an interesting dialogue.

Robert Summers
ABD/PhD, UCLA, Art History